Webinar for male survivors and their support network

A live virtual conversation, April 16, about providing empowerment to male survivors of sexual abuse, and increase awareness in communities about this crucial issue.  The event will include a keynote address from a survivor and a panel discussion with a survivor, survivor’s spouse, a therapist, & victim’s parent. This event,  CAPE (Community Awareness Promoting Empowerment. . .

Webinar: Men Too… Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse

MaleSurvivor Webinar of Recovery

Please join us for a special free MaleSurvivor webinar... Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse   Featured panelist Dr. Kelli Palfy will share insights from her new book, Men Too: Unspoken Truths About Male Sexual Abuse – in a live Webinar of Recovery for the MaleSurvivor community on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 at. . .

New Podcasts from the UK

A new podcast has been launched specifically for those living with trauma. Each episode hears from survivors of a different lived experience, who investigate the challenges of trauma and shed light on what helps cope. The first episode examines managing trauma during the Covid-19 pandemic. The following episode looks at male childhood sexual abuse, will. . .


IVAT 25th International Virtual Summit

IVAT San Diego, CA, United States

25th San Diego International Virtual Summit Transforming Trauma into Triumph Linking Research, Practice, Policy and Advocacy OVER 120 SPEAkERS Nationally and internationally recognized presenters and local practitioners assemble to discuss the latest research, assessment methods, interventions. and prevention strategies for those who have been traumatized, abused, and/or victimized OVER 130 SESSIONS The latest research on. . .