MaleSurvivor Board of Directors
MaleSurvivor is a nonprofit organization founded in 1995 by and for survivors. The MaleSurvivor By-Laws require that at least 50 percent of members of the board of directors shall be male survivors of sexual victimization. This board requirement makes MaleSurvivor a unique nonprofit designed to serve survivors of sexual abuse victimized as children or adults. On this page, we provide a description of the board, its governing role, a list of current board members and list of past board presidents. In addition to the board of directors, the MaleSurvivor’s governance includes an Advisory Board comprised of distinguished leaders in the field of sexual abuse treatment and advocacy. Learn more about the MaleSurvivor Advisory Board.
Board Overview (taken from the MaleSurvivor By-Laws)
The general management of the affairs of MaleSurvivor shall be vested in a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have control of the property of the organization and shall determine its policies with the advice of its various committees. It shall have power to employ necessary staff and other help, authorize expenditures and take all necessary and proper steps to carry out the purposes of MaleSurvivor and to promote its best interest.
There shall be at least five (5), but no more than fifteen (15), seats on the Board of Directors, including Officers. Board members are non-paid and fully volunteer. No Director, Officer or member of a committee shall receive compensation for his/her services. At least 50 percent of board members shall be male survivors.
The Board Development Committee shall designate nominees for the Board of Directors positions held by Directors whose terms expire in that year. The term of office for a Board member shall be two (2) years unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws. One-third of the Board shall be selected every two years. The Board is self-perpetuating.
2022 MaleSurvivor Board of Directors
Officers of the Board of Directors
Murray Schane, M.D., Board President
Lee Friedman, V.M.D., Board Vice President
Douglas Tinder, Board Treasurer
Members of Board of Directors
Clark Beckley
Nathan Lachine
Allen Ruyle
Kenneth Stockton
To reach a member of the Board of Directors, use our Contact MaleSurvivor form on the Contact Us page and we will route your inquiry to the appropriate board member.
Past Presidents
We offer our continued gratitude for the leadership and service by our former Board Presidents.
Kenneth Followell
Jorge Ramirez, PhD
Curtis St. John
Murray Schane, MD
Fred Tolson
Richard Gartner, PhD
Larry Morris, PhD
Howard Fradkin, PhD
Randy Fitzgerald Marinez
Michelangelo Castellana, LCSW
Ken Singer, LCSW
Chris King
Andrew Smiler, PhD