As you’ve certainly noticed by now, we’ve significantly upgraded the MaleSurvivor website, offering new services, new programs — but the biggest change is the way we’re engaging with you.

We’ve enhanced our discussion forum and chat room platform. It’s all readily usable on any device: laptops, tablets, Android and IOS smartphones, and, of course, desktop computers.

We’ve made the site both bigger and more user-friendly. It’s also more nimble to provide you even more resources and support. And there’s even more still to come.

We’re keeping our existing services available to you, with the promise to move forward with new programs already in the planning stages.

What’s more, we want your input. Tell us what you envision for MaleSurvivor. We’re all in on making MaleSurvivor a home for healing, a place that serves you — yes, you — and meets your unique needs, a place that opens up to special issues, a place for what is happening and needs to happen.

With that in mind, please take advantage of this fresh start by becoming a member or renewing your membership.

Let us count all of you in.

Murray Schane, President of the MaleSurvivor Board of Directors

You are not alone. It was not your fault. It is possible to heal. It is not too late.