Therapist Directory

Private Therapy Practice
Business Address
533A Castro Street
San Francisco
ZIP Code
Business Phone Number
Therapy Languages
Degree Name/Type
Name of School
Smith College School for Social Work
Year Graduated In
Clinical Social Work
Licensed In State
Certified in State
Years of Clinic Experience
Years of Experience with Victims

I am a licensed clinical social worker and have been working with male survivors of childhood sexual abuse, incest and adult rape, as well as other forms of emotional, physical and verbal abuse for 17 years. I started the Men’s Sexual Trauma Program at the San Francisco Rape Treatment Center in 1999, which was the first male survivor focused program in the U.S. based out of a county rape treatment center. Since 1999, I have taught extensively regarding the issues of male survivors of sexual abuse and violence in graduate classes at UC-Berkeley, San Francisco State University, and to agencies, hospitals, clinics and sexual assault service agencies throughout the bay area. In my work, I am nonjudgmental, compassionate, and interactive. I have found that therapeutic work is most helpful when we work together to help you understand what is happening inside and how the world is impacting your feelings and perspectives. As a licensed clinical social worker, I value how the impact of culture and aspects of one’s individual identity are critical components for us to explore in relation to their impact on the things you are struggling with.

I offer therapy groups for male survivors only
I offer a free initial consultation appointment.
I offer a sliding scale fee for survivors in need
I accept most major insurance carriers.
Other Information
In addition to my clinical work, I presented at the 2001 MaleSurvivor international conference on “Developing a Men’s Sexual Trauma Program – The Struggles and Successes” as well as the Western Regional Conference in 1998 on “Recovery from Adult Male Rape.” I have also conducted research regarding gay and bisexual men’s experiences of adult rape, as well as PTSD prevalence in male survivors, the relationship between substance use and PTSD in male survivors, and the effects of gender socialization on the lives of male survivors. You can visit my website at for more information about me and my practice.
You are not alone. It was not your fault. It is possible to heal. It is not too late.